Support We Are Finding Freedom
We Are Finding Freedom is a labor of love. Hours and hours are poured into each workshop. We offer low and no-cost workshop registrations and events—money should never be a barrier for joining. We couldn’t do this without your support. Thank you!
We opted to organize ourselves as an LLC, rather than as a nonprofit. None of these structures are perfect under capitalism. But we believe an LLC allows us to be more accountable to BIPOC organizers and our community, rather than to funders and corporations.
Anne Braden Photo © Pennsylvania State University Libraries.

“I believe that no white woman reared in the South—or perhaps anywhere in this racist country—can find freedom as a woman until she deals in her own consciousness with the question of race. We grow up little girls—absorbing a hundred stereotypes about ourselves and our role in life, our secondary position, our destiny to be a helpmate to a man or men. But we also grow up white—absorbing the stereotypes of race, the picture of ourselves as somehow privileged because of the color of our skin. The two mythologies become intertwined, and there is no way to free ourselves from one without dealing with the other.”
— Anne Braden