What participants are saying:
“The homework involving other white folks in our communities was groundbreaking!! SO grateful to have had the challenge for those experiences. It gave a structured, “understood” platform to initiate these conversations in a way that felt approachable to my loved ones across generations and contexts in which I may have not felt empowered to bring racial justice issues up with before.”
“My High 5 Buddy and I are continuing our relationship as accountability partners and thought partners around combating racism and white supremacy, even though we live in entirely different regions! That absolutely feels like the most valuable part of this workshop, because it will continue after our time as a group ends. Taking the learning and turning it into action.”
“Finding Freedom feels like bright sunshine in my heart and soul!! My experience in the training is pure energy, inspiration, grounding, wisdom and guidance for this lifelong work. I am SO grateful for having had the opportunity to learn from you, Kari and Evangeline, and from the other womxn in the group, as well as from the experience of being in a collective of white womxn committed to this work. Thank you! And, I am so excited to see what you continue to create. I would love to take part in the sequel!! And much more with you. I have already been spreading the word about Finding Freedom and will continue.”
“It’s been a journey finding a political home as a white, wealthy Southern queer person. Caucus spaces haven’t filled the need for me however critical these spaces are for multi-racial organizing, often focused on direct-action. Caucus spaces don’t attend to - hold or challenge, nor are they supposed to - the complexities we experience as white race traitors attempting to walk in this world for racial justice. When I took my first Finding Freedom workshop, I could revisit the praxis of resistance, dive deeper into understanding white supremacist systems - how I am implicit in them, look at behaviors of code switching and lessons we can learn from our own collusion stories - and gain new perspectives from a cross-class analysis, all the while feeling held in a more full and embodied way. Finding Freedom is a political home for me now. And it’s for this reason that I co-seeded and pitched PRACTICE S.P.A.C.E co-crafted with another Finding Freedom organizer that is a monthly space for FF alums to ‘practice’ their shit, their collusion stories and be in accountable community together.
I became a Monthly Sustainer of Finding Freedom even though Respite in the Round, the small business for which I run, is not yet in the black. It’s been the most heart-centered,
open, creative, and collaborative communities for which I’ve been a part these past pandemic years. One in which I feel held, seen and am growing alongside. For this, I am most humbly grateful. ”
“My biggest takeaway is that my anti-racist work will mainly take place with other white people. This is both a relief and a challenge. It’s a relief because I didn’t want to force myself onto a group that’s primarily either Black or young, and those are the most active groups in my area. It’s a challenge because it means I’m going to need to start standing up to people. I’ve already lost one friend by calling out not very skillfully. I might have lost him anyway, but you gave me some better skills for calling in the next time.”
Photo taken pre-pandemic
“The pace felt comfortably slow, there was a beautiful lack of urgency that gave me space to sit with my thoughts if that’s where things landed. And looking back at the slides for each module the content of the workshop is SO RICH, chock full!!! I will be returning to these resources, concepts, reflective prompts often. Thank you for making them accessible.”
“Until I attended this class in 2020, I thought I knew about racism and was doing the work. Within the first week, I realized that it’s not about individuals who are aware and working to undo their own biases, it’s about understanding that the entire system is rigged and racist and that there have been people (in this case we’re talking white women) fighting for and against it forever. Having the SYSTEM pointed out, and being able to inquire within yourself to see where you’re participating in the system and where you’re successfully fighting it, changed my life. Being shown all the ways in which you were handed privilege you have no right to softened my heart and strengthened my resolve. If you’ve ever thought you need to be doing more, or you need to refresh yourself on why you’re fighting, sign up for this class. You will not regret it.”