White Supremacy Characteristics: 20 Year Anniversary Webinar
Founder Kari Points joins a 20 Year Anniversary Webinar reflecting on the well-known White Supremacy Culture article by Tema Okun.
Evangeline Weiss and Kari Points join Francesca Maximé to discuss finding freedom and taking on racism, patriarchy, and white supremacy as white women.
Interrupting White Supremacy: Organizing White Women to Confront Racism by Debby Warren
Working with discomfort: Kari Points & Evangeline Weiss's tactics for helping white women challenge white supremacy.
Meet Kari Points — an anti-racist facilitator and political educator based in Durham, NC. For 30 years, she has organized and advocated globally and domestically for collective liberation grounded in mutual interest.
Podcast: Counselor Mandy “Breaking the silence” with guest Evangeline Weiss

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