Who We Are
Evangeline Weiss
I am a white, Jewish, upper-class, queer and anti-racist social change instigator with a twinkle in my eye. With over 22 years of organizational development experience, I facilitate values-based capacity building to sustain leaders and organizations on a path towards greater wholeness, intentionality and purpose. After earning a Masters’ degree in educational policy studies, I have facilitated change in a range of settings – from social service organizations to non-profits and institutions of higher education. I am an artist and a poet, a community builder and a justice worker. I live in Greensboro, NC with my beloved soulmate, our son, and most adorable dog, Sherlock.
Kari Points
I’m a workshop facilitator, one of the founders of We Are Finding Freedom, and a proud white dyke based in Durham, NC (USA). I grew up working class in small-town Southern Indiana as a ward of the state and an adoptee. My earliest advocacy grew out of resisting state and religious violence toward women, children and families. A member of the national board of Showing Up for Racial Justice, I support our movements as a liberation facilitator, anti-racist genealogist, coach and political educator. I’m in this work to restore the health and well-being of all working-class communities and to play my part in dreaming us all into a better future. I believe we as white folks will get our full humanity back once we build shared interest with people of color both in the US and around the world, organize for collective liberation, and become the ancestors we dream of. I love living in the South, understanding the present by studying the past, learning languages, pettiness, screen porch sitting, (r)evolution, doing carpentry, and living the lesbian dream by vacationing with my cat whenever possible.
The Finding Freedom Team
We have 7 amazing people on our facilitation, operations and design teams! They are fabulous, wise, and unique folks who completed a 38-hour training in 2021. Thank you to everyone who has supported Finding Freedom to grow.
“The logistics and grace of the many ways [the facilitators interacted with us] were outstanding…I loved the facilitators including participants in so many varied ways.”
— Finding Freedom workshop participant
Evangeline Weiss and Kari Points join Francesca Maximé to discuss finding freedom and taking on racism, patriarchy, and white supremacy as white women.

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