Image Source: El País
Finding Freedom: White Women Taking on Our Own White Supremacy
Facilitated by We Are Finding Freedom cofounders Kari Points & Evangeline Weiss
Tuesdays, April 4-May 2, 2023 6:00-8:30 PM ET
** This Finding Freedom workshop is specifically for white women and white genderqueer folks who have wealth and/or class power. **
“I have participated in racial equity trainings in multiracial and gender-diverse spaces, and I found Finding Freedom to be an invaluable companion to that work. My experience in the workshop and with the Finding Freedom community moved me into deeper embodied alignment with myself and my values, sharpened my understanding of my individual stake in the fight for racial justice, and readied me for bigger risks and bolder action.”
How does internalized white supremacy in my body, emotions, spirit and relationships keep me from bringing my full self to ending structural racism?
How do cross-class dynamics in white society keep us from challenging white supremacy?
What does collective liberation mean for us as white women and genderqueers with class power?
What role can I play in my white communities to bring my people into a better future?
In this special Finding Freedom workshop, we’ll dive down to the murky spots where class, race and gender meet to create and uphold white supremacy. We’ll uncover the ways white people with class power have historically relied on those who don’t to enforce the rules of white supremacy and capitalism. And we’ll strengthen our skills, willingness and desire to dream ourselves and each other into a better future.
This online 5-part workshop is facilitated by the cross-class team Kari Points and Evangeline Weiss, who founded We Are Finding Freedom. It’s open to white female, trans and genderqueer people who have wealth and/or class power. It’s also a fundraiser for We Are Finding Freedom: You will be invited into additional ways to fund our work.
The workshop will take place April 4, 11, 18, 25 and May 2, 6-8:30 PM ET. Participants must attend Session 1 in order to participate in future sessions.
If these dates and times don’t work for you, please check out our other Finding Freedom workshops.
“Being in an affinity space with other white womxn offered the courageous space I needed to process messy and complex feelings around my white privilege — in ways similar to RG Praxis groups. Throughout Finding Freedom I felt held, witnessed, and supported by the facilitators and the community they nurtured among participants. Their somatics-based approach and orientation toward Black, feminist liberation struggles in the South felt deeply aligned with RG values and strengthened my commitment to use my wealth redistribution to build collective power. ”
All women and gender-nonconforming, non-binary and trans people, and all white and mixed-race folks, who are interested in exploring the intersection of white womanhood and white supremacy are welcome to join us. The categories of “white” or “woman” might not be exactly how you define yourself. This workshop may still be useful to you if you were socialized as a white female and/or you are perceived as one today.
This workshop focuses on United States history, context and current reality. Women from outside the US are welcome to join us, as long as you understand we will be using a US-based frame.
More questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions.
For additional questions not covered in our FAQ, please email
**Before you register, visit Resource Generation’s Class Distinctions and Income Brackets page to determine which rate you should pay.**
Owning/Ruling Class Tickets $750: For currently owning and ruling class participants. Purchasing tickets at this level as an act of cross-class solidarity that enables more middle-class Resource Generation members to participate.
Managerial/Upper Class $550: For currently managerial and upper-class participants. These tickets are “at cost.” They enable us to cover the expenses related to putting on this workshop.
Middle Class $312: For currently middle-class participants only. If you are not currently middle-class, select one of the other two rates.
Please visit our frequently asked questions.
For additional questions not covered in the FAQ, please email
“Participating in the Finding Freedom workshops created a space to dive deeper into the intersection of my whiteness, gender and class in a really powerful way that’s been so important for helping me be in better relationship with folx who have both similar and wildly different identities and experiences to mine. I have a better understanding of who I am and how I show up, how I relate to others and gained some really useful insight and practical skills about how to continue to work with others towards change that have been helpful in navigating basically every part of my life, especially in multi-racial, cross-class spaces. I really appreciated the safe space that was created to question, push and take risks and learned so much—I highly recommend the workshops and facilitators!!”
Evangeline Weiss, Founder
I am a white, Jewish, upper-class, queer and anti-racist social change instigator with a twinkle in my eye. With over 22 years of organizational development experience, I facilitate values-based capacity building to sustain leaders and organizations on a path towards greater wholeness, intentionality and purpose. After earning a Masters’ degree in educational policy studies, I have facilitated change in a range of settings – from social service organizations to non-profits and institutions of higher education. I am an artist and a poet, a community builder and a justice worker. I live in Greensboro, NC with my beloved soulmate, our son, and most adorable dog, Sherlock.
Kari Points, Founder
I’m a white Durham-based dyke who was raised working class in rural Southern Indiana. A member of the national board of Showing Up for Racial Justice, I support our movements as a facilitator and consultant on racial, gender, economic and healing justice. My political roots rest in resistance to state violence toward families, and I work toward restoring the spiritual and community health of my working-class white people. I believe we as white folks can and must free ourselves from internalized white supremacy, build mutual interest and solidarity with people of color both in the US and around the world, and organize for collective liberation. Living in the South means I love storytelling, pettiness, good food and music, jokes, screened-in porch sitting, and (r)evolution. Let’s get free!
“It’s been a journey finding a political home as a white, wealthy Southern queer person after aging out of RG 13 years ago. When I took my first Finding Freedom workshop, I had the opportunity to revisit the praxis of resistance, dive deeper into understanding my complicity with white supremacist systems, look at my code switching behaviors, learn from my own collusion stories, and gain new cross-class perspectives—all while feeling held in a more full and embodied way. Finding Freedom is a political home for me now. It’s been the most heart-centered, open, creative, and collaborative community I’ve been a part of during these pandemic years. One in which I feel held, seen and am growing alongside. For this, I am most humbly grateful.”